Golden Lion General Ledger
The General Ledger module from Data Images' Golden Lion Accounting System handles all aspects of your financial needs. It is comprised of four main elements:
General Ledger Company
All of the Golden Lion software modules support multiple fiscal entities. The exact number supported is dependent on the size of your hard disc drive(s). There is no intrinsic limit.
This essentially "unlimited" feature extends to all aspects of the system. There are no pre-ordained limits to the number of accounts in the general ledger, the number of journals, or the size or complexity of the financial statement.
The general ledger company record stores the name, address federal and state Identification numbers, as well as a table for defining the fiscal periods associated with the company. Each fiscal period is in the format YY-PP (where YY is the year and PP is the specific fiscal period). The period is defined by a beginning date, an ending date and a quarter.
Note that there is no need to define a psuedo period for end of the year entries, as the system has a complete End of Year module, complete with closing functions, journals, reports and financial statements.
Chart of Accounts
The chart of accounts is designed to be independent of the financial statement format that you choose for your company.
The account number is divided into two segments: the account and the sub-account, seperated by a period ("." dot). Each of these segments is normally from one to four characters in length. They can be alphanumeric, and the significance of each segement is open to the user's needs.
Each account is designated as a Header or Detail record. Header records serve only as a seperator and title for sections of your chart of accounts.
A Description is required, which may have a dash segment. The dash segement is associated with a section of the chart of accounts. For example:
Journal Processing
Journals in the General Ledger can have several sources: they may be entered manually as needed; they may come from the Standing Journal section, where a template is filled out and the same journal entry is made each month; or they may come from other software modules such as Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable.
Each journal is dated and initialed. It has a fiscal period it references, and it may have its reversal flag set. If so, a reversing entry is created for the subsequent fiscal period.
Each line of the journal has a date, check number, reference, description, account and either a debit or credit amount. Total debits and credits are accumulated and displayed. If the the journal is not in balance, the difference is also displayed.
The date can be entered quickly as the day of the period. The check number can be duplicated on the next line by pressing carriage-return, or incremented by one by entering a period ("." dot).
The reference subsystem allows tracking of things normally occupying chart of account space in other systems. For example, consider a fleet of trucks. Instead of setting up a dozen general ledger accounts for each truck, a reference is defined for each truck. When a expense or other transaction is entered, the reference is also entered. Only a single set of accounts covering all trucks is set up. The specific data for each truck is contained in the reference sub-system. This is a seperate data base, and thus keeps the general ledger from becoming overly cluttered with minuteae.
Financial Statements
Financial Statements are completely independent of the chart of accounts. The system works on the basis of sections. Each section may have any number lines. Each line may be a Header, Detail or Total line (note: a line may also be an underline or double underline). Detail lines may have one or more accounts as its source of financial information. Finally, each Detail or Total line may have one or more carry forward references.
Other Features
Each account can have a budget. The budget may be Constant for each Period. It may be Variable by a fixed percent increase or decrease each period. It may be manually entered. Finally, it may be a percentage of one or more budgets in other account(s).
Budget work sheets are available.
Budgets may be reported in Chart of Account format or in Financial Statement format.
Chart of Accounts Trial Balances
Chart of Account Trial Balance reports come in two flavors. First is a one line report listing each account and the total activity in the account.
Second is a detail trial balance listing the opening balance, all transactions for each period with a running balance, and the ending balance for each account. The report may cover MULTIPLE fiscal periods. For example, the report may begin with 94-01 and go through 95-12. At each year end break, the end of year adjusting entries are shown, and the following year's beginning balance displayed.
Transaction Detail Reports
There are numerous reports covering detail transactions from the Journals. Selections cover ranges for Account Numbers, Fiscal Periods, Check Numbers and References.
Online Inquiry
There are numerous online inquiry functions. From the Chart of Account screen, you may review transaction summaries by fiscal period for a given year, the transaction detail for a given period, and the budget information. Each screen may be printed.
Reference Subsystem
The Reference subsystem has been briefly discussed in Journals above.
Allocated Accounts
Tables can be established to allocate to a list of accounts on a percentage basis the amount being debited or credited to one specific account. This function is active in the Accounts Payable system when listing expense line items for a given vendor invoice