Dancing Thru Pregnancy /

Services and Products

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Pre/Postnatal Services and Products

* Benefits, Safety Issues and Guidelines
* Prenatal and Postpartum Exercises
* DTP Certified health and fitness instructors in your area
* Ordering form and additional information requests

Continuing Education and Instructor Training in Women's Health and Fitness

DTP offers educational seminars with cec's for health and fitness program directors, group instructors, personal trainers, exercise physiologists, movement therapists, nurses, midwives, child birth educators, physical therapists and others interested in the field. Seminars and training sessions include screening procedures, physiology, biomechanics, exercise prescription and modification. You will learn to design class formats, write proposals for individual, group or corporate programs and market your skills. The benefits of full DTP Certification include support services, membership in our licensed network of women's health and fitness specialists and visibility through our Web site.
*Educational Seminar Schedule and cec's from ACE, ACSM, NSCA, ACNM, AWHONN, and ICEA
*Educational Seminar Description
*Certification in Basic Pre/Postnatal health and fitness
*Certification in Menopause health and fitness
*Recoversize continuing education in women's health and fitness
*Update in Pre/Postnatal health and fitness
*DTP Certification and Licensing
*Request for additional information

Licensing and Program Development

For hospitals, HMO's, fitness centers, and body therapy practices.
*Request for Information
*Assistance in establishing profitable, cost-effective programs in pre/postnatal health and fitness that are safe and effective

 [Home]  [Locations]  [Overview]  [1999 Schedule]  [Registration]

For more information, send e-mail to:
Ann Cowlin / ann.cowlin@yale.edu

Fill out our comment form:

Or send mail to:
Dancing Thru Pregnancy, Inc. / Box 3083 Stony Creek, CT 06405 / 1-800-442-9034